Tuesday, February 3, 2009

WFMW: Cheap Capris!

Stores everywhere are clearancing their children's clothing at ridiculously low prices right now. Many times I would find an awesome sale (pants for $.50!), only to be disappointed when I couldn't find clothes in Drama Queen's size. One day I hit upon a great idea: buy pants two sizes too small, and have her wear them for capris! For instance, Drama Queen currently wears a size 8, but size 6 pants make perfect length capris for her. Yes, it helps that Drama Queen has a teeny tiny waist, but this would work for most any child if you do this with stretchy knit pants or leggings. The best part is, you don't have to save them for next winter; your child can wear them in the spring. (This is a great way to start a spring wardrobe without paying beginning-of-the-season prices!)

I have also done this with pants she has outgrown. You really get your money's worth out of a pair of pants this way!

Speaking of clearance sales, be sure and go by Target right after Valentine's, Easter and other holidays. They always have cute little holiday T-shirts marked down to about $2. Some don't look holiday-specific; I once got Drama Queen an adorable pink and green "Sweet" shirt after Easter, and she wore it all summer long. I got her a pink "Snow Angel" long-sleeved shirt, and it doesn't look the least bit Christmasy.

Here are my previous WFMW posts:

Save a Life! (Not WFMW, but an important post!)
Cooling Oatmeal
Backseat Entertainment
Gifts to Spark Your Child's Imagination
Reading Motivation
Finding a Babysitter
Charging a Cell Phone
Swim/Shower with a Cast
Free Tech Support
Calming Injured Children
Choosing a Phone Number
What NOT to Soak Contacts In
Broken Glass Cleanup
Cheap Rolling Cart for Conventions
Chocolate Recipes
Tooth-Tugging Tip for Terrified Tots
Handy Earache Relief
Uses for Leftover Bread
Leaky Diaper/Pull-up Fix
Snack Mix Recipe (at the end of the post)
Awesome Stain Recipe
(at the end of the post)
"Fun"damentals of Family Life
Removing Wite-Out from Everything
When NOT to Save Money
Public Service Announcement

For more WFMW tips, stop by Shannon's blog!


Veggiemomof2 said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you! My daughter is a skinny girl and this is idea works VERY well for her!