Monday, September 22, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things 2

I am so sorry I haven't been posting! I have been struggling with some sleep issues and have been a walking zombie for weeks as a result, but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things!

Mommy: Pete, what do you call an animal that hunts its food?

Pete: Ummmm . . .

Mommy: Starts with a "p" . . .

Pete: (thinking hard) Ummmmm . . .

Mommy: Pre- . . .

Pete: (brightly) Pregnant!!!!

(Hmmmm . . . judging by the extreme hunger I had during my three pregnancies, I'd say he's not too far off!)

One more . . .

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!!!!!" Screech heard me growl in frustration at the microwave.

She asks sweetly, "You crazy, Mommy?"

I hope to have some pics up for you soon. My hard drive is full and I need to purchase another before I can download any more!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WFMW: Reading Motivation

Reading is such a critical skill that I am always on the lookout for ways to encourage my kids to read more. is a great website where kids can create an account and read books for prizes. It is similar to the Accelerated Reader program that many schools have: the child reads a book, takes a short multiple-choice quiz on the book, and earns points toward great prizes like a free subscription to Highlights magazine. Not only do they offer quizzes on difficult chapter books, but they also have them for beginning reading books like Dr. Seuss. My kids love it and are so excited about reading! I like it because the prizes are really absolutely free!

Sorry I have been so slow about posting lately! I am slowly getting back into a groove, but our lives are a little hectic lately because Drama Queen is in a local musical and has had rehearsal every night this week. In case you missed it, you can click here for the latest "Mess of the Day" post, compliments of Screech. (I was afraid it would be missed since I posted it only a little while before this post.)

Here are my previous WFMW posts:

Finding a Babysitter
Charging a Cell Phone
Swim/Shower with a Cast
Free Tech Support
Calming Injured Children
Choosing a Phone Number
What NOT to Soak Contacts In
Broken Glass Cleanup
Cheap Rolling Cart for Conventions
Chocolate Recipes
Tooth-Tugging Tip for Terrified Tots
Handy Earache Relief
Uses for Leftover Bread
Leaky Diaper/Pull-up Fix
Snack Mix Recipe (at the end of the post)
Awesome Stain Recipe
(at the end of the post)
"Fun"damentals of Family Life
Removing Wite-Out from Everything
When NOT to Save Money
Public Service Announcement

For more WFMW tips, stop by Shannon's blog.

Mess of the Day # 25 Artificial Sweetener

While we were chatting with friends at a fine restaurant, Screech did this. (For the record, Daddy was watching her!)

Kinda gives fresh meaning to the old Def Leppard song: "Poooour some suuugar on meeeee . . . "

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm So Honored!

I was nominated for this award by Beachy Mimi. I am so honored, because Beachy Mimi is exactly the sort of person I would give this award to. She's a hoot! (You have GOT to read this post. It's a riot!)

(And Mimi, I am SO sorry it has taken me so long to post this!)

I am hereby conferring this prestigious award on the following people:

Queen B
Grace for Gayle
Bring the Rain
Diary of a Former Atheist
Boo Mama

I am really sorry that I have been so lax about posting lately. I have been struggling to get back in a groove ever since our vacation. I had health issues for weeks, then sleep issues, and now we're plowing full speed ahead into school. I've been wiped out lately, and everything has fallen further and further behind. I'm trying to claw my way back out, though, and soon I'll be back to posting regularly! You're going to love what Screech has been doing lately!