Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm So Honored!

I was nominated for this award by Beachy Mimi. I am so honored, because Beachy Mimi is exactly the sort of person I would give this award to. She's a hoot! (You have GOT to read this post. It's a riot!)

(And Mimi, I am SO sorry it has taken me so long to post this!)

I am hereby conferring this prestigious award on the following people:

Queen B
Grace for Gayle
Bring the Rain
Diary of a Former Atheist
Boo Mama

I am really sorry that I have been so lax about posting lately. I have been struggling to get back in a groove ever since our vacation. I had health issues for weeks, then sleep issues, and now we're plowing full speed ahead into school. I've been wiped out lately, and everything has fallen further and further behind. I'm trying to claw my way back out, though, and soon I'll be back to posting regularly! You're going to love what Screech has been doing lately!


Queen B said...

Thank you so very much!!!

Gayle said...

I'm honored. Thanks so much.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Oh, wow, how cool. Thank you!!